Civil society and private sector contribution to achieving the national targets of MDG 2 – Ensure access to general compulsory education – in the Republic of Moldova
Our country has put considerable efforts to achieve the targets of MDG 2 “Ensure universal access to general compulsory education” which imply increase of the rate of enrolment in general compulsory education, rise of the rate of enrolment in preschool education and attenuation of discrepancies between rural and urban areas, between the disadvantaged groups and the ones with an average income, maintaining the literacy rates. Nevertheless, despite all efforts, the developments of the situation in primary and gymnasium education are rather modest, differently from preschool education, where significant progress was done.
The survey’s goal consists in making an analysis of the contribution of civil society organizations and of private sector to achieving the targets of MDG 2 in the Republic of Moldova, identification of the constraints faced by non-governmental organizations and private companies while conducting relevant for MDG 2 activities and making recommendations for improving and expanding the collaboration among public authorities, associative sector and private sector in terms of ensuring universal access to preschool and general compulsory education.
The survey’s methodology included the analysis of reports developed by public authorities, development partners, civil society organizations and private companies and in-depths interviews with representatives of such institutions. The process of drafting the survey was tracked by a cluster group consisting of representatives of central government, development partners, international organizations, civil society organizations, business entities and independent consultants.