Institute for Public Policy experts developed a study with the purpose of assessing the current situation of credit mobility in Armenia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, identifying the potential constraints to mobility expansion and proposing a series of recommendations regarding the increase of students' and professors' participation to ...
În cadrul proiectului “Moldova între Est și Vest: viziuni din Găgăuzia și Taraclia”, experții Institutului de Politici Publice și-au propus să înțeleagă percepția și atitudinile cetățenilor Republicii Moldova, care locuiesc în raionul Taraclia și în UTA Găgăuzia, față de situația socio-politică din țară și să identifice principalele puncte cheie de ...
The goal of the study was to assess the perceptions and experiences of the civil servants working in central administration with regard to the level of corruption, forms of corruption, transparency of the decision-making process and the impact of these phenomena on the career development practices among ...
Implementation period: June 2015 - March 2016
The goal of the study was to provide an accurate baseline evidence which would assist relevant stakeholders in the reform process of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make important strategic decisions concerning the transformation of police into a modern public service by assessing the effectiveness of ...